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Representing eco-fashion as a treat rather than a burden

The Sonnet115 is a transformative fruit skin bag created by Berlin-based designers who invented a biodegradable handbag that turns sustainability into a desirable treat.

Representing eco-fashion as a treat rather than a burden

In a remarkable display of creativity and environmental consciousness, Berlin-based designers Lobke Beckfeld and Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten have taken fruit skin leftovers from juice production and short cellulose fibers sourced from textile factories to craft a transparent handbag called Sonnet115.

 Lobke Beckfeld (right) and Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten  (left)
Lobke Beckfeld (right) and Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten (left)

Sonnet115 is not just an ordinary accessory; it represents a new era of sustainable fashion. The handbag is fully biodegradable and can be composted, recycled, or dissolved in water when it is no longer needed. By using a minimalist design approach, the designers have enhanced the texture and translucence of the material, turning sustainability into a treat rather than a burden.

Representing eco-fashion as a treat rather than a burden

The unique composition of Sonnet115 combines cellulosic production waste from the textile industry with pectin, a plant-based polysaccharide derived from fruit skin leftovers. This innovative material is not only fully compostable but also integrates seamlessly within a biological life-cycle.

Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten, co-designer of Sonnet115, emphasizes that the bag's purpose goes beyond functionality. The goal is to create a temporary handbag that appeals to individuals in a profound way, encouraging them to wear, use, and cherish it until it naturally dissolves. By transforming the material into an elegant shape, Sonnet115 bridges the gap between sustainability and style, making sustainability an appealing and desirable choice.

Representing eco-fashion as a treat rather than a burden

Each Sonnet115 handbag boasts a unique texture achieved through the addition of small cellulose fibers. The key ingredient, pectin, acts as a natural binder and is extracted from fruit skin. The mixture is further fortified with cellulose fibers that are too short for textile production, creating a strong and durable material.

After being left to cure in a mold for up to five days, the bag is carefully sewn together. When the time comes to part ways with the handbag, it can be used as soil fertilizer due to the presence of pectin, which is already utilized in organic agriculture.

Representing eco-fashion as a treat rather than a burden

Sonnet115 is a testament to the power of sustainable design and innovative thinking. Lobke Beckfeld and Johanna Hehemeyer-Cürten have proven that fashion can be both beautiful and environmentally friendly. By repurposing fruit skin and cellulose fibers that would have otherwise gone to waste, they have created a remarkable piece that challenges the norms of traditional fashion.

Sonnet115 is not just a handbag; it symbolizes a shift towards conscious consumption and a future where sustainability and style coexist. As the fashion industry continues to evolve, initiatives like Sonnet115 serve as a beacon of hope, inspiring designers and consumers alike to embrace eco-friendly alternatives and reshape the world of fashion.

Representing eco-fashion as a treat rather than a burden


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