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Toynovo Toy Company Encourages Co-Creativity & Circular Economy in their Games

Toynovo is redefining toy play with a waste-free subscription model and co-creative fun. embrace sustainable playtime that sparks creativity and problem-solving skills for kids.

Toynovo Toy Company Encourages Co-Creativity & Circular Economy in their Games

Toynovo, a Colombian Toy Company, is revolutionizing the way children play by embracing the principles of the circular economy. By adopting a circular model and promoting sustainable practices, Toynovo not only minimizes waste but also nurtures creativity and problem-solving skills in children.

The toy industry, valued at $90 billion and reaching $300 billion with games, has long been associated with plastic waste. A staggering 90% of toys on the market are made from plastics, many of which contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals. While major toy companies are making efforts to introduce bioplastics or recycled materials, the industry still relies heavily on virgin plastics, contributing to environmental degradation.

Recognizing the need for change, Toynovo has pioneered a unique subscription service that allows families, companies, and educational institutions to rent or purchase toys. The platform extends the lifespan of toys by redistributing them to new users, reducing waste and ensuring affordability for lower-income families.

Toynovo Toy Company Encourages Co-Creativity & Circular Economy in their Games

Toynovo's commitment to the circular economy goes beyond toy circulation. The company explores innovative solutions such as glues to reinforce and renew plastics, aiming to maximize the use of materials and minimize environmental impact. In cases where toys made from other materials, like wood, can no longer be used, Toynovo repurposes them as construction materials, giving them a new lease of life.

By embracing the circular economy, Toynovo has already eliminated over 40 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, according to Waste2Worth evaluation. Additionally, the company's sustainable practices align with its mission to enhance the quality of play. Through its own line of toys, called Joynovo, Toynovo empowers children to shape their play experiences, fostering creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills.

Toynovo's impact extends beyond toy circulation and play. The company collaborates with organizations like Colombia Cuida Colombia and Ninezya to prioritize children's development and well-being. By creating a nurturing and inclusive environment, Toynovo is equipping the next generation with the skills and values necessary to address complex economic, social, and environmental challenges.

Toynovo Toy Company Encourages Co-Creativity & Circular Economy in their Games

Currently benefiting 30 schools, 20 companies, and 100 families in Colombia, Toynovo has ambitious plans to expand its operations to New York by 2024, reaching even more families and children.

Toynovo's circular economy approach to kids' toys represents a significant step towards a more sustainable and inclusive toy industry. By embracing the principles of the circular economy, Toynovo not only reduces waste but also fosters creativity, innovation, and environmental consciousness in children. Through their commitment to sustainability and nurturing play experiences, Toynovo is paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future for the toy industry and the next generation.

Toynovo Toy Company Encourages Co-Creativity & Circular Economy in their Games


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